This Is Me :)

My photo
HI :)) im cee, 13 years of age, studying at Regional Science High School III. Im friendly and fun to be with person so dont hesitate to ask questions :) ... I'm an athletic person and currently learning how to play piano and sing good cause I'm stupid at singing =) ...I'm totally obsessed with font styles,the ones that are downloaded from the net :) Also obsessed with make up specially eye shadows,eye liner and mascara(please dont think i'm maarte its just that i'm being girlish na talaga ^ ^) My life is simple as like other girls, but the thing that makes it extraordinary is THE LOVE from the people around me from my family,my friends and .... =) That's all.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Assignment #3


Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) 

Achievement Cluster
I. Opportunity Seeking and Initiative
* Does things before asked or forced to by events
* Acts to extend the business into new areas, products or services
* Seizes unusual opportunities to start a new business, obtain financing, equipment, land work space or assistance

II. Risk Taking
* Deliberately calculates risks and evaluates alternatives
* Takes action to reduce risks or control outcomes
* Places self in situations involving a challenge or moderate risk

III. Demand for Efficiency and Quality
* Finds ways to do things better, faster, or cheaper
* Acts to do things that meet or exceed standards of excellence
* Develops or uses procedures to ensure work is completed on time or that work meets agreed upon standards of quality

IV. Persistence
* Takes action in the face of a significant obstacle
* Takes repeated actions or switches to an alternative strategy to meet a challenge or overcome an obstacle
* Takes personal responsibility for the performance necessary to achieve goals and objectives

V. Commitment to the Work Contract
* Makes a personal sacrifice or expends extraordinary effort to complete a job
* Pitches in with workers or in their place to get a job done
* Strives to keep customers satisfied and places long term good will over short term gain

Planning Cluster
VI. Information Seeking
* Personally seeks information from clients, suppliers or competitors
* Does personal research on how to provide a product or service
* Consults experts for business or technical advice

VII. Goal setting
* Sets goals and objectives that are personally meaningful and challenging
* Articulates clear and specific long range goals
* Sets measurable short term objectives

VIII. Systematic Planning and Monitoring
* Plans by breaking large tasks down into time-constrained sub-tasks
* Revises plans in light of feedback on performance or changing circumstances
* Keeps financial records and uses them to make business decisions

Power Cluster
IX. Persuasion and Networking
* Uses deliberate strategies to influence or persuade others
* Uses key people as agents to accomplish own objectives
* Acts to develop and maintain business contracts

X. Independence and self-confidence
* Seeks autonomy from the rules or control of others
* Sticks with own judgement in the face of opposition or early lack of success
* Expresses confidence in own ability to complete a difficult task or meet a challenge

X. Independence and self-confidence

Improving  PEC no. 10: independence and self-confidence. Here are some tips on how to be a better entrepreneur at which you have this ability not only at work or at school but also in life. :)
Tip #1: Have a Positive Attitude.
Adopting a positive attitude towards work, your colleagues and your superiors will work wonders at making you feel like 10 feet tall. You dont have to be grumpy at times like things that would make you feel at the risk, you just have to CHILLAX and think positive because no body dies without having problems. It's normal. Just think about having problems is just a challenge for you to be a better person.
Tip #2: Find direction
Traveling without a map or proper directions can get you lost easily. Create a career map by listing the areas you feel you lack confidence in. This could include your fear of making presentations or your inability to make a quick recovery after you have made a mistake. This list will provide you with a better picture of what is dampening your confidence level, and it guides you when you make improvements. Also, start adopting a positive attitude. Replace the "cannots" with more "cans". Keep in mind that you have the power to choose and make decisions that can have a positive impact at work. You are not powerless to change things. Do not become too pressured to effect change immediately. If you are relaxed and focused, you will accomplish more. Remember, you should only compete with yourself.

Tip #3: Don't be shy
Say you have just joined the company, or have just been posted to a new department. How can you overcome your shyness and start making new friends? Shyness results because you focus too much on yourself, your fears and your insecurities. Therefore, start focusing on others instead. Find common ground. Show genuine interest in what your colleagues tell you; do not just nod mindlessly. Use the other person's name when you speak. This not only makes the conversation more personal, but it also helps you remember names more quickly. Finally, do not underestimate the power of a smile. A smile speaks volumes and makes you more approachable. Once your peers accept you, you will feel better about yourself.

Tip #4: Take risks
It may sound ironic, but taking risks actually boosts your self-confidence. You just have to adopt the right attitude at the beginning. Assume responsibility for the risk and have clear ideas about where you are heading. Having a positive attitude towards risk-taking is a good way to make great strides forward.

Tip #5: Do not fear criticism
Do not be caught up in the emotions brought on by criticism. Your confidence should not be hurt by inflated words like "always" or "never". Do not go into immediate denial or counter-attack mode. Instead, consider the source and decide if the person really has the expertise or knowledge to make his or her comments. If you decide that the words are not just empty accusations, look at it as an opportunity to improve yourself. Forget trying to control what others think of you. Instead, control what you can -- your own thoughts and feelings.

Tip #6: Dress right
If you are unsure about the colors to choose for your clothes, start safe and go with neutral and discreet tones. Wear colors that you feel suit you. Being comfortable with how you look often translates to being comfortable with who you are. And as you become more certain of yourself, you can spice up the look with a little color. Women can enhance their look with colorful scarves and accessories and men can get away with colorful ties. 

Tip #7: Enjoy life
How you are at work is strongly influenced by how you are outside work. Away from work, pursue your interests passionately. Even if these passions are not related to your work, your enjoyment of life will reflect on your disposition when you are at work.

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